Wild-West Road-Trip: from the Grand Canyon to Joshua Tree

Wild-West Road-Trip: from the Grand Canyon to Joshua Tree

Published: July 12th, 2017

Sometimes, i think to myself, "how did we even get here?" It wasn't an accident. We made choices and plans to be where we are. Maybe they weren't all conscious choices with a direct goal or destination in mind, but we make the best choice at the time it's given and we just hope that wherever we end up will be the best place for us at that time.

I've only got one picture for you, tonight. It's a picture of our truck resting at the campground just outside of Joshua Tree National Park. I drove a very long way, today, and it feels like one of those times when you're tired and you know you worked hard for something, so you feel rewarded, but you're still tired... maybe even too tired to enjoy it.

How did we get here anyway? I-40 to Route 66 to National Treasures Road or something like that. It got a little hazy when part of 66 was closed and we had to double back to I-40 and catch the next op. The desert is hot, and it got hotter as we dropped at least four-thousand feet in elevation within five hours. At one point, my Snapchat filter listed the temp as 114* (oh, but it was a dry heat, I hear some of you laughing, lol).

Anyway, sometimes the road doesn't exactly take you the way you think you should have been going, but somehow you always end up where you're supposed to be. That's pretty much my whole life summed up. So, here I am. Sitting outside at 11:00pm enjoying the night sky and loving that it's cooler than it was.

To get this shot, I left the shutter open for thirty minutes, having stopped down to the appropriate aperture and ISO value. Because of the lengthy shutter speed, you can just start to see the star trails forming. I could have photographed for a much longer time and captured longer trails, but I just didn't. I don't know, maybe some other time.

Until then, thank you for reading and for keeping up with us! Take care:)

- Wayne

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